Benefits of Practicing Yoga Outdoors

3 min readAug 15, 2022
Photo by Надя Кисільова on Unsplash

I’ve been practicing yoga since I was about 16, it has been a great way to connect and ground myself, stay active, and focus. Yoga has been a very important tool in my journey to love myself and to understand myself even more. Yoga is for everyone and there are many ways to practice it, one of them is outdoors, bringing you even more benefits. I spoke with Natalie Williams, owner of Namaste with Natalie and a local yoga teacher, about the benefits of yoga and why practicing outside may give you an extra boost. Natalie is an experienced yoga teacher with an E-RYT200 certificate and a degree in Exercise Science. She hosts yoga classes in different environments and works with people of all ages, abilities, and levels.

What is the easiest way to start practicing yoga?

N: If you’re interested in starting a yoga practice, it helps to begin with a few items; comfortable clothing, a yoga mat, and some basic knowledge of the poses. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. Websites with online classes can provide detailed instructions on how to do each pose. There are also many studios, independent teachers, gyms and community centers that offer classes for beginners. Feel free to contact one of the locations; ask for a beginner friendly class then remind the teacher at the beginning of class, that you are new to yoga.

